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Tuesday, December 07, 2004


This is an announcement to tell you about one big threat our society is seeing in our

It is the crap that Ekta Kapoor has been dishing out to the scores of Indian women daily, in the afternoon between the hours of 1 pm and 4pm.

It is the stupid t.v. soap operas that a lot of Indian women (most probably our mothers) watch on t.v.

Alot of these Dramas have the same ideas and common elements.

The family depicted is ALWAYS RICH. The main character is always a rich dumb ass who falls for the pretty, hot girl and then later falls for the smart, nice girl (sometimes the other way around). He is married at least once to the hot one, who is only after his money.

There is always another rich dumb ass after the main guy's nice, smart, wife (funny how he don't want the hot one; maybe he figured earlier with some other hot female that all they want is the money). Main guy's wife also always marries the other rich guy, wife while she still loves the main guy.(Confused?)

How these women watch this crap is beyond me. How they watch it after themselves admitting that it is crap, is something I think maybe I should write a thesis on!

It is arguable whether the amount of infidelity shown in these serials is causing broken homes, marriages, or is cause for the rising divorce rates in India (as suggested by some people), but they do ruin my lunch.

I hate "KumKum" for that (that bitch, hope her family and her perish in Dubai...
oh I forgot... I don't write that script....).

I came home today, after my 3 hour exam, starving like crazy and had to climb 6 floors (lift was engaged by these two aunties chatting with the bloody door open. Sometimes I
wonder if these t.v. serials takes a piece of their brains... if not kill a piece their brains. What the hell was so important that the lift had to wait, with everyone else, while they chatted?????)

I sat down to eat. After I took the first bite....the veggies were WAY TOO SPICY for me to eat. It was more chillies than vegetables! (oh the agony my tongue, and stomach had to endure. It's been 6 hours and my stomach still burns sometimes!)

I thought that was all that could go wrong. Next I see the rice has been burnt.

So I went into interrogation mode...I had to get to the bottom of this. I asked my mom "What happened to the rice?"

" I forgot about it. "
" How? What were u doing? "
" I was watching KumKum. "

So there you are. These t.v. serials are ruining society and people's lunch.

I say we should start a revolution against em...Who's with me ?????